Three Ways to Elevate Virtual Selling

We are a year in to the "new way" of selling. Now that busy executives know they don't have to meet in person with salespeople anymore, why would they? However, there are several things you can do to up [...]

Trusts Uncovered: Part 1 of 2

E4IS welcomes Eric Christoffersen, an Estate and Business Attorney with Grams & Christoffersen, S.C. Eric is a respected resource in the estate planning community, and a regular contributor on advanced planning topics for E4IS. In this 2-part BREW cast, [...]

Maximize Your Client’s Philanthropic Planned Giving

E4IS welcomes Star Advisor Malik Lee of Felton & Peel Wealth Management to this special BREW. In this session, Mr. Lee will share insights about his recent Kiplinger article on charitable giving. His expertise in philanthropic advising will help [...]

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