Take a trip with TARA!

Dan Mythen, E4IS Wealth Strategist will be speaking on NEW ways to present the overfunded life policy concept to Gen Xers and Millennials. Here at E4IS, we call it "TARA" (Tax Advantaged Retirement Account). E4IS has proprietary tools such [...]

2021-09-29T12:29:10-05:00September 29th, 2021|BREW, E4IS Exclusive, Sales Ideas, Seller Resources, Taxes|

Back To Basics: How Much Insurance Does Your Client Need?

The first and most basic question for any client – as far as insurance coverage is concerned – how much coverage is needed? In the next BREW, Jeremy Vidmar, E4IS Regional Vice President, will go through a couple of [...]

Term Laddering

Are you still selling traditional, long-term fixed term insurance? "Term Laddering" is a custom sales design intended to provide families with term insurance that decreases as their financial needs goes down, just like mortgage insurance decreases with a person’s [...]

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