What's Happening On BREW

BREW Posts2021-03-15T07:18:31-05:00

Building Relationships Every Week

By mid-week, we could all use a break. How about a 15-minute break that allows you to sit back and tune in for live discussions on sales concepts, industry trends, product updates, and more!

No matter where you are, you can join E4IS every Wednesday at 12:00 PM CST. Click here to access live!

Can’t make it to the live webcast? Because we do not want you to miss anything, we share them on our blog below for you to watch at your convenience. If you have questions regarding a specific BREW cast, or would like to request a specific topic to be covered, please contact brew@e4.insurance.

It’s About Answers, Not Insurance!

Changing our habits and behavior can be very hard and requires commitment and intentionality. It also requires stepping outside our comfort zone to do the right thing and ensure our clients’ well-being. Join Rod Crandall, Regional Vice President for [...]

Retaining Top Talent

Corey Cox, Senior Consultant-Business Solutions from Principal, and Phil Haug, Senior VP, Sales, will discuss retaining key employees by utilizing deferred compensation and executive bonuses with Principal’s Select Reward Plan and Bonus Plan.

Strategies with Equity-Defined Benefit Plans

David West, Partner at The Fortis Agency, has been in the financial services industry for over 10 years and specializes in helping physicians, executives, and business owners protect and grow their wealth. David will discuss his success with a [...]

Capstone-Worksite & Voluntary GI

Phil Haug, Senior Vice President, Sales, and Steve Walker, Vice President of Institutional Accounts, are closing out July’s Focused Planning Series on worksite and voluntary guaranteed issues with a case study and ideal client discussion.

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