E4IS’s Exclusive Long Term Care Analysis with Shane Van Patten

Insurance illustrations are important (and required), but illustrations are often 20+ pages long, are confusing to the client and provide no context on how the insurance fits within the client’s overall financial plan. At E4 Insurance Services (E4IS), we [...]

2021-03-24T12:23:16-05:00March 24th, 2021|Advisors, BREW, Case Study, E4IS Exclusive, LTC, Sales Ideas|

Meet the E4IS Design Team

E4IS Proprietary materials are accessible in your advisor portal! Please login and click on "E4IS Sales Concepts" to see examples! Did you know you have a special team whose sole purpose is to help you with your asset protection [...]

Trusts Uncovered: Part 1 of 2

E4IS welcomes Eric Christoffersen, an Estate and Business Attorney with Grams & Christoffersen, S.C. Eric is a respected resource in the estate planning community, and a regular contributor on advanced planning topics for E4IS. In this 2-part BREW cast, [...]

Maximize Your Client’s Philanthropic Planned Giving

E4IS welcomes Star Advisor Malik Lee of Felton & Peel Wealth Management to this special BREW. In this session, Mr. Lee will share insights about his recent Kiplinger article on charitable giving. His expertise in philanthropic advising will help [...]

An E4IS Exclusive Tool: Annuity Solutions Weekly

Annuities are a critical tool in every planner's tool box. With so many carriers, products, and features that change regularly, how can a busy financial professional keep up? E4IS's exclusive Annuity Solutions Weekly brings the best and brightest to [...]

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