Beyond the Money

On today's BREW, Doug Twiddy, E4IS Internal Case Design Specialist will be discussing the many uses of protecting your retirement plan with cash value from your life insurance policy. We have a plan to accumulate a calculated amount for [...]

Take a trip with TARA!

Dan Mythen, E4IS Wealth Strategist will be speaking on NEW ways to present the overfunded life policy concept to Gen Xers and Millennials. Here at E4IS, we call it "TARA" (Tax Advantaged Retirement Account). E4IS has proprietary tools such [...]

2021-09-29T12:29:10-05:00September 29th, 2021|BREW, E4IS Exclusive, Sales Ideas, Seller Resources, Taxes|

Term Laddering

Are you still selling traditional, long-term fixed term insurance? "Term Laddering" is a custom sales design intended to provide families with term insurance that decreases as their financial needs goes down, just like mortgage insurance decreases with a person’s [...]

E-book for Business

On today's BREW, we welcome Jason Jafferis, Regional Vice President with Prudential. We'll discuss their new Business Owner eBook and how it helps advisors better address the questions to ask during different stages of a business life cycle and [...]

Beyond the Role of Benefits for Beneficiaries

On today's BREW, E4IS welcomes John Dallas and Peter Spreen with Berkshire Settlements. We will be discussing how to take a maturing book of life Insurance policies and turn it into additional revenue for your practice and provide unknown [...]

Being a Committed Insurance Advisor

Guy Allen, E4IS Regional Vice President, will be sharing best practices on building a repeatable process with FA’s on having Life Insurance as a part of their business and being a Committed Insurance Advisor (CIA). He will also be [...]

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