2021-Q1 2022 Discussions with Dan and Brendon

Catch up with Dan and Brendon on this special quarterly BREWcast! Dan Peterson and Bredon DeRouin, Managing Partners at E4 Insurance Services, will have an impromptu conversation about the state of the insurance industry as the U.S. continues to [...]

Setting the Stage for Successful Meetings

Imagine this: You’ve got the meeting on your calendar and want to make a good impression. Preparation, setting expectations, and stating clear objectives are essential steps to conducting a successful meeting (whether you’re meeting with a client, team member, [...]

Non-Qualified Annuity Max with Bill Anderson

Do you have clients that have old Non-Qualified Annuities? Maybe they are old VA’s purchased for income guarantees? Maybe they started as an alternative to savings to get better returns and tax-deferred growth? Maybe they became a CD alternative [...]

Northstar Funding Partners NEW I.R.A.

The Insured Retirement Advantage® redefines the application and potential benefits of life insurance premium finance. Customarily the financing of premiums has been reserved for higher net worth borrowers – who have the asset base, income and risk tolerance to [...]

Estate Planning Perils and Pitfalls – Part 1

As financial advisors, being able to spot legal landmines in your clients’ estate planning can be a huge valued added and earn your client’s loyalty for life. While you can’t solve a client’s legal problems, knowing when to advise [...]

A Look Back and a Look Ahead

Join E4IS as we usher in the new year with our first BREW of 2022! Dan Peterson, E4IS President and Managing Partner and Brendon DeRouin DeRouin, Chief Distribution Officer and Managing Partner will start off 2022 with the first [...]

Take a trip with TARA!

Dan Mythen, E4IS Wealth Strategist will be speaking on NEW ways to present the overfunded life policy concept to Gen Xers and Millennials. Here at E4IS, we call it "TARA" (Tax Advantaged Retirement Account). E4IS has proprietary tools such [...]

2021-09-29T12:29:10-05:00September 29th, 2021|BREW, E4IS Exclusive, Sales Ideas, Seller Resources, Taxes|

Back To Basics: How Much Insurance Does Your Client Need?

The first and most basic question for any client – as far as insurance coverage is concerned – how much coverage is needed? In the next BREW, Jeremy Vidmar, E4IS Regional Vice President, will go through a couple of [...]

E-book for Business

On today's BREW, we welcome Jason Jafferis, Regional Vice President with Prudential. We'll discuss their new Business Owner eBook and how it helps advisors better address the questions to ask during different stages of a business life cycle and [...]

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