Uncovering Reasons to Do Business

Why would a prospect do business with you? Why would a current client expand their relationship with you? The truth is the reason a prospect or client comes to you with a question is typically not the reason they [...]

Cylinders of Money and LIRP/Super-Roth’s

Do you have high income clients looking for other places to save money? Have those clients heard of or asked you about a “LIRP” (life insurance retirement plan)? Have those clients heard of asked you about a “Super-Roth”? This [...]

Regulatory Update and Life Insurance Opportunities for 2021

E4IS welcomes Andrew Herrera, RVP with North American as part of our Product Updates and Solutions series. We'll be reviewing the recent 7702 changed related to life insurance, and highlighting planning opportunities that exist in the current environment. First [...]

2021-05-19T09:38:32-05:00May 12th, 2021|Advisors, BREW, Weekly Brew|

Income Distribution; A Very Special Case Indeed

On this BREW, E4IS's very own Brendon DeRouin will walk us through multiple methods for distributing assets in retirement. This is a very special case indeed - we'll dive into his own mother's income plan and some of the [...]

Taxes. Going up or down, and what to do about it?

Tax season is here, so now is a great time to talk to your clients about strategic tax planning for 2021. On today's BREW, Bob will be sharing how to help your clients feel more in control and confident [...]

2021-03-19T15:31:37-05:00March 17th, 2021|BREW, Case Study, Sales Ideas, Taxes|

Meet the E4IS Design Team

E4IS Proprietary materials are accessible in your advisor portal! Please login and click on "E4IS Sales Concepts" to see examples! Did you know you have a special team whose sole purpose is to help you with your asset protection [...]

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